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Version: 4.0

Get All Events

http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/supos/oodm/v2/events
Query Parameter
Table 1. Query parameter description
keywordstringKeyword of the event. For example, value change.
pageIndexintegerRequired. Page number. The default is 1.
pageSizeintegerRequired. The number of data on each page. The default is 20 and the maximum is 500.
namespacesarray of stringsNamespace.
labelFullNamesarray of stringsLabel namespace.
excludeLabelFullNamesbooleanWhether to get data that is not bound with the specified label.
appNamesarray of stringsApp name.
excludeAppNamesbooleanWhether to get data that is not belong to the specified app.
instanceNamesarray of stringsThe instance alias list to which the metadata belongs. Its priority is higher than templateNames.
sourceFunctionSetFullNamesarray of stringsList of source function set namespace.alias.
templateFullNamesarray of stringsThe template namespace.alias list to which the metadata belongs.
functionSetFullNamesarray of stringsThe function set namespace.alias list to which the metadata belongs.
containsInheritedMetadatabooleanWhether to contain the inherited metadata. Matches with specified template or instance.
containsSelfMetadatabooleanWhether to contain its own metadata. Matches with specified template or instance.
Request Body

Get events under the template system.t1 that have es in their names or aliases, and its source function set ID is system.f1 and is not bound with a label system.l1.

  • 200: Successful.
    "data": [
    "id": 11139,
    "templateId": 11140,
    "instanceId": "11141",
    "functionSetId": 11142,
    "dataSetId": 11143,
    "dataSetDisplayName": "event data set of value change",
    "labelIds": [
    "appShowName": "system",
    "appName": "system",
    "namespace": "system",
    "sourceFunctionSetId": 11145,
    "displayName": "event1",
    "enName": "event1",
    "comment": "test data",
    "appAccessMode": "PUBLIC"
    "pageIndex": 1,
    "pageSize": 20,
    "total": 20
  • 400: General internal error of OODM.
    "code": 10001001,
    "data": {},
    "detail": "string",
    "message": "string"